Snow Tours
Huron Gateway Tour (177 km)
This loop serves as District 9’s gateway to Lake Huron. Rolling hills and lots of snow are a perfect combination for your winter adventure. The small towns you will pass through along the way will be happy to serve, and be sure to take a little detour west at intersection #542 and stop by the clubhouse just west of Blyth!
Area Points of Interest
North Huron Trail Groomers Clubhouse - west at Intersection 542
Quality dining at both area restaurants:
Cowbell Brewery at 40035 Blyth Road, Blyth
The Ben Miller Inn at 81175 Benmiller Line, Goderich
Snowmobile Friendly Amenities & Trail Supporters
SEAFORTH - BRUSSELS TOP B108 Intersection 532-526
17 Goderich St. W (Highway 8), Seaforth
AUBURN - GODERICH R300 Intersection 462-470
202 Anglesea Street, Goderich
238 Albert Street (Highway 4 North), Goderich
GODERICH - CLINTON TOP B109 Intersection 470-482
238 Albert Street (Highway 4 North), Clinton
BRUSSELS - WINGHAM C306 Intersection 528-542
40035 Blyth Road, Blyth
AUBURN - GODERICH R300 Intersection 462-470
81175 Benmiller Line, Goderich
AUBURN - GODERICH R300 Intersection 462-470
81175 Benmiller Line, Goderich
SEAFORTH - BRUSSELS TOP B108 Intersection 532-526
42787 Hydro Line Road, Seaforth
4804 Road 179, Brodhagen
WINGHAM - LUCKNOW C312 Intersection 444-326
40370B AMBERLEY ROAD HWY# 86 EAST, Wingham
SEAFORTH - BRUSSELS TOP B108 Intersection 532-526
6708 Perth Line 44 West, Perth